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  • Writer's pictureDavid Kolb

Case Study: Navigating Complex Carve-Outs

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Technology Divestment Mastery at a Global Bank

Businessperson symbolically carving a pie in an Americana diner, representing business carve-outs
Image : David Kolb


Navigating the complex realm of technology carve-outs, especially within a global banking behemoth, requires unparalleled strategic foresight. As the Director for Programme Management and global M&A Technology Advisor, the challenge was not just orchestrating the divestment but ensuring it was seamless, efficient, and value-driven.


In pursuit of its global strategy, a global bank earmarked specific regional banking units for divestment. The challenge? Divesting technology infrastructure across multiple regions, each with unique challenges and nuances.


  • Managing multi-country divestment with varying market conditions.

  • Ensuring data governance and maintaining stakeholder satisfaction amidst colossal changes.

  • Successfully transitioning technological infrastructure without disruption to customers and business operations.

  • Addressing the complexities of legal, operational, and technological aspects in tandem.

Strategic Initiatives:

  • Masterful Strategy Creation: Crafted and negotiated the overarching carve-out strategy, ensuring alignment with a global bank's global objectives.

  • Team Scaling & Leadership: Assembled and scaled a new M&A team, adeptly chosen to steer the divestment smoothly.

  • Data Governance: Implemented a robust data governance framework, ensuring data integrity and privacy were uncompromised.

  • Stakeholder Communication: Ensured continuous and transparent dialogue with all stakeholders, keeping them informed and aligned.

  • Risk & Contingency Planning: Developed a comprehensive risk management strategy to address potential challenges and crafted contingency plans to navigate unforeseen hurdles.

  • Change Management: Addressed employee concerns proactively, ensuring they were well-prepared for transitions and adopted new systems smoothly.


  • Smooth Divestments: Successful technology carve-out for both the South American regions and Central America, involving a cumulative amount of over $1.2 billion.

  • Stakeholder Satisfaction: Maintained stakeholder trust and satisfaction throughout the divestment process.

  • Operational Continuity: Despite the magnitude of these transactions, ensured uninterrupted banking operations, preserving the global banks reputation for reliability.

  • Informed Strategy Execution: By collaborating closely with regional leaders, the carve-out strategies resonated with local needs while aligned with global objectives.

Skills Demonstrated:

Strategic Thinking, Visionary Leadership, Decision-Making, Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Building, Change Management, Ethical Leadership, and Innovation.


Carve-outs, especially in the banking sector, are high-stakes operations riddled with complexities. Yet, with the right strategic vision, robust leadership, and a relentless focus on stakeholder satisfaction, even the most challenging divestments can be executed seamlessly. This journey the a global bank is a testament to the power of strategy, leadership, and adaptability in the dynamic world of banking M&A.

Key Takeaways:

  • Carve-outs, when executed right, can be strategic tools for organisational growth and alignment.

  • Seamless technology transitions require meticulous planning, a robust governance framework, and stakeholder communication.

  • Even in complex multi-regional deals, with the right strategy and team, success is achievable.

  • Change management is pivotal during massive organisational shifts; addressing employee concerns ensures operational continuity.

The a global banks journey, with its blend of strategy and technology, offers insights into how large-scale banking operations can be reshaped while preserving operational integrity and stakeholder trust.

Contact David Kolb Consultancy today to find out more about our business consulting and coaching built to deliver lasting impact and exceptional value. Don't hesitate to book your 1:1 session today.

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