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  • Writer's pictureDavid Kolb

Large Language Models : How Businesses Can Use LLMs to Win

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

Large Language Models ai neural network model
Image : David Kolb

The rapid rise of AI, especially large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's Chat-GPT, Google's Bard, and Microsoft's Bing, is transforming our lives and businesses. This evolving landscape offers ample innovation opportunities from business strategy to business model innovation but also poses a crucial question for businesses:

What strategies should they adopt to integrate LLMs into their operations effectively?

In a previous post, "From Innovation to Advantage," I delved into the strategic potential of generative AI. Now, let's build upon that foundation and zoom in on large language models. The challenge lies in navigating the increasingly complex LLM market teeming with options beyond just commercial models.

This article aims to help businesses make sense of this complexity, summarising available options, including commercial models, open-source solutions, and fine-tuning possibilities.

Quick Recap on the Difference between AI and Generative AI.

AI encompasses machines performing tasks akin to human intelligence and includes everything from rule-based systems to sophisticated deep-learning models. Examples range from predictive analysis and virtual assistants like Siri to autonomous vehicles.

Generative AI, a subset, generates original content based on its training. It could involve creating text using language models like ChatGPT, generating images with diffusion models like Midjourney, or producing music and speech.

Understanding these basics, let's delve into different large language models and how they could align with your business strategy.

Commercial Models

Commercial models such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Bing represent a straightforward, efficient solution for enterprises seeking to implement large language models. These models have already undergone extensive training on diverse datasets, offering text generation, language translation, and question-answering capabilities. The key advantage lies in their immediate usability. With the right strategy, procedures and processes, businesses can deploy these models rapidly, quickly harnessing their capabilities.

Commercial Large Language Models
Image : David Kolb

However, it’s crucial to remember that while these models were designed for versatility, serving a broad range of applications, they may not excel in tasks particular to your enterprise. Therefore, their suitability should be considered in your unique business needs.

Open-source models

Open-source models are an affordable choice for enterprises. These models, often free, offer advanced language capabilities while minimising costs.

In some cases, they are trained on smaller datasets than commercial models. Open-source LLMs still provide versatility in text generation, translation, and question-answering tasks. The primary advantage of open-source models is their cost-effectiveness.

While cost-effective and capable of fine-tuning to meet specific needs, their maintenance and support may not be as consistent as commercial models. Therefore, assessing their reliability and ongoing development is crucial for long-term business suitability.

Fine-Tuned Models

Fine-tuning allows enterprises to adapt pre-trained language models, commercial or open-source, to specific business tasks. Fine-tuning can improve the accuracy of a language model by adjusting it to the particular domain of the enterprise. It allows the model to learn the patterns and vocabulary of the domain, which can help it to generate more accurate and relevant responses.

For example, a customer support chatbot that has been fine-tuned with historical customer support chat data will be more likely to understand and respond to customer queries in an accurate and helpful way. For instance, a company could enhance a customer support chatbot by fine-tuning a model with its historical customer support chat data, enabling it to handle more domain-specific queries.

Fine Tune Large Language Models
Image : David Kolb

However, it is essential to note that fine-tuning is not a silver bullet. It can be resource-intensive and requires a representative dataset, which may add costs and time. Additionally, the accuracy of a fine-tuned model will still depend on the quality of the training data.

Building Custom Models

Building a custom LLM from scratch provides businesses with unique control and customisation, but it's complex and costly. It demands expertise in deep learning, natural language processing, and managing the model's architecture, training data, and fine-tuning parameters.

Custom models are particularly suitable for businesses handling highly sensitive data (e.g., healthcare, financial services, legal). Custom LLMs ensure required privacy and confidentiality.

Creating a custom LLM is time and resource-intensive, necessitating a skilled team, hardware, research, data collection, annotation, and rigorous testing. It also requires ongoing maintenance and updates.

Despite the investment, a custom LLM is a top choice for organisations seeking high control and performance from their language models. It provides a highly tailored solution to satisfy specific language processing needs.

Hybrid Approaches

Hybrid approaches combine the strengths of different strategies, thus providing a balanced solution to general requirements and industry nuances.

For instance, when a customer request comes in, it's initially processed by a commercial model that extracts relevant information using its broad language understanding. Then, a fine-tuned or custom model, trained on the business's specific customer engagement data, provides a contextual response, capitalising on its domain-specific knowledge from customer reviews and interactions.

Hybrid Large Language Models
Image : David Kolb

A hybrid approach affords businesses adaptability and efficiency by combining custom solutions and commercial models' inherent knowledge. It's a practical, effective method to cater to specific business needs, drawing from established language models' strengths.

Collaboration with AI Providers

Partnering with an AI provider offers businesses expert guidance and resources to build and deploy custom language models. With in-depth machine learning and natural language processing knowledge, these providers provide insights, model recommendations, and support throughout development. While such collaboration may involve additional costs, the value of specialised knowledge and smoother integration of LLMs can outweigh the expenses.

Privacy Considerations in Large Language Models

Privacy in training large language models involves protecting personal data for pre-training and fine-tuning. Privacy in inference ensures data protection in prompts or API calls. It's crucial to check each model's privacy statement. Some providers may use your data to improve models, while others might retain it for security. Custom models offer complete control over training data and inference, requiring careful data handling and protection measures throughout the model's lifecycle.


In the rapidly evolving world of generative AI, making the right choice requires understanding not just the available models but also how each aligns with your unique business goals.

Here are some key takeaways

  • Large language models have the potential to revolutionise business operations and customer interactions, but harnessing this potential requires a strategy that aligns with your specific needs.

  • Success in implementing these models doesn’t just happen — it’s a choice. It depends on your ability to adopt a holistic view, balancing immediate needs with future trends and opportunities.

  • No one-size-fits-all solution exists. The best strategy will be the one tailor-made for your business.

As you ponder these insights, consider this: in the complex landscape of generative AI, the biggest challenge often isn’t the technology itself, but identifying the right strategy to unlock its potential. And sometimes, the difference between confusion and clarity, or stagnation and progress, is simply the right guidance.

Harnessing the power of generative AI for strategic advantage can transform your business. To explore this technology's potential for your business, get in touch for a consultation.

Unleash Innovation and Creativity. From transformative leadership to a growth mindset, let's apply human-centred strategies with the power of artificial intelligence in business. Together, we'll craft your business transformation. Book your 1:1 session today.

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